
Weight Loss Alert! 9 Weight Loss Myths Debunked for Good

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Where are you going wrong, and why can’t you shed those last few kilos?

We live in a society where losing weight is considered one of the highest levels of achievement. So much pressure is put on an individual to lose weight, regardless of body shape, size, gender, age, etc. And because of these social rules and outdated views, we start our difficult journey into the world of weight loss. Never mind that it’s filled with false information and terrible truth bombs. We get stuck into this zone, mindlessly doing things to lose that 5 kilos without knowing all the facts and weight loss myths.

Today, I will burst some of your myth bubbles regarding weight loss in this blog. Let’s sort out weight loss facts from fiction.

9 Weight Loss Myths That Your Expert Might Not Have Told You

1. You Should Avoid Carbs

When my well-intended friends ask me- How will you lose weight if you keep eating CARBS?!! Well, to answer this question, carbs are not our enemies. Taken in whole and moderate amounts, it can aid us in weight loss by supplying essential fibers. Eat your recommended amount for a healthy and balanced diet. But if you eat it with creamy sauces, butter, or oil, you can kiss your weight loss dreams goodbye.

2. Count Calories, And You Can Eat Anything

 The biggest myth is that you can eat anything if you count your calories. Stop this thought right now. What you eat does matter. Eat quality, not quantity. Take in the number of calories that are appropriate for your physical activities. Stick to a nutrient-dense diet to feel satisfied for a more extended period and avoid binge eating.

3. Saying No to Fat

Another sad truth about the myths regarding weight loss is that fats are considered to be the evilest of them all. If you are wondering why you should eat fat to lose fat, Let me tell you this: skip that trip to eat your favorite burger and fries at McDonald’s.

They contain trans fats and saturated fats, a total No-No. If you are still set on losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, try incorporating healthy fats such as nuts, nut butter, seeds, avocados, healthy oil (olive oil), etc, into your diet. They will help you in keeping your brain and skin healthy and aid in weight loss as well.

4. Exercise More

To lose weight effectively, reduce your calorie intake. This is another popular weight loss myth. But exercising all day and every day so that you can have it all is not the right mindset. If you keep up with it, you will have to eat more and more to make up for all the physical activities. This may lead you to start eating easily accessible and unhealthy foods. This creates a vicious cycle that’s hard to break. 

Instead, you need to balance, exercise or do yoga daily for a few minutes. It should not have to be an intense workout every day. Please keep in mind balance and moderation in everything; eat well and in small portions, but be sure you are satisfied and not hungry.

5. Diets, Diets, and More Diets

Diet culture has been handed down to us for generations. Every day a new diet pops up, and I wonder, will it be worth it this time? Every person I know struggles with weight issues; they are either too skinny or too fat. They have this ideal weight in mind that they need to achieve at any cost, hence the rise of these diet fads. Fasting for hours, juice cleanses, eggs, banana diets, and so many more, I can’t keep them straight.

These diets affect your metabolism and can give you temporary results, but avoid them as much as possible in the long run. Go for a balanced and nutritious diet, smaller portions regularly, or eat until satisfied. Live a healthy lifestyle and ditch that diet, girl!

6. Nighttime Snacking

Midnight hunger is a thing; believe me, I know. That little bit of craving late at night might be your downfall if you are not careful. Out of convenience, we reach for the most accessible snacks that are mostly full of sugar and unhealthy fats. Hunger pangs can strike anytime, so avoid snacking on healthy food. Don’t get sucked into this routine, and choose wisely. Here are weight loss recipes that you can try when hungry to see the difference.  

7. Drink More Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is one thing, but depending on water to help you lose weight is tricky. We all know water has zero calories, so switch your sugary sweet drinks with water to reduce your daily calorie consumption. Drink a glass before meals to avoid overeating. Don’t confuse thirst with hunger. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water; if you are still hungry, eat.

8. Popping Pills

Weight loss has become a crucial part of our lives, giving huge scope to pharma companies. There is a vast market for these products. Many celebrities endorse this stuff, which is just sheer stupidity to me. Taking these pills and losing weight is the biggest lie ever. The ingredients in these medicines may give you short-term benefits, but in the long term, they harm your body and health. Consult your doctor before you choose this path of pill-popping.

9. False Food Packaging

Ever seen your food packaging? If not, please do so when going food shopping next time.  No added sugar, low fat, reduced fat; your brown bread isn’t whole wheat bread but just added with color to make you think you are eating healthy. 

There is more sugar in your no-added-sugar fruit juices. Check the label on the back of your food items, and find out what you put inside your body in the name of these false friends. Stay clear of additives or ingredients you cannot pronounce.

To Sum Up

Losing weight has never been an easy process. It has ups and downs, and the struggle is real. Your focus should be on being healthy and not skinny. Take in a balanced diet, exercise regularly, sleep well, and stay away from unhealthy habits, and you are good to go. Think about long-term goals, not short-term fleeting and fake happiness.

With these weight loss myths busted, it’s time to start your journey to a better and healthier life.

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      • That is very informative. People generally have these thoughts especially nowadays on Keto diet. They keep on reducing Carbs not realising that it is neither healthy nor sustainable.

  1. This is great advice that I think everyone should hear! There are so many myths out there, especially in the nutrition field. Thank you for sharing!

  2. That is very informative. People generally have these thoughts especially nowadays on Keto diet. They keep on reducing Carbs not realising that it is neither healthy nor sustainable.

  3. This is great info, thank you! I especially like the point about carbs and diets (which I’ve never done as I try to focus on creating a healthy lifestyle).

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